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We Are All Storytellers

Saturday, April 6, 2024 27 Adar II 5784

7:00 PM - 8:30 PMNoe Valley Ministry

An evening of storytelling, conversation, community, and havdalah. Curated and hosted by Charlie Varon. Havdalah led by Rabbi Dan Goldblatt.


Evelyn Martinez: "Born at SF General, raised in the Mission.  Now living at Ocean Beach with my cat, Moo.  In love with words — playing with them, building worlds with them."

Rabbi Me’irah Iliinsky is a second career, passionate rabbi, who comes from a line of good story-tellers. She teaches Torah at the JCCSF, is the Community Rabbi at Rhoda Goldman Plaza, and the Director of the School of Jewish-Living Arts, a program of Or Shalom.

Rabbi Dan Goldblatt is an ordained Magid – sacred storyteller – and has been the senior rabbi at Beth Chaim Congregation in Danville for 30 years.  He is co-founder of the AriYael Jewish Healing Center ( and deeply believes in the healing power of stories. Dan will share a sacred story and lead Havdalah together with his wife, Zoë Goldblatt.

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Sat, January 25 2025 25 Tevet 5785