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Sarah Moss Yanuck
Head of Youth & Family Education

Sarah Moss Yanuck (ze/zir/zirs & she/her/hers) is an educator, facilitator, and songleader in Jewish and secular spaces, both in formal education and in community. Born and raised in Durham and Chapel Hill, NC, ze came of age in Philadelphia, PA, and moved to Oakland in 2022. Since 2014, Sarah Moss has taught in K-12 classrooms, racial literacy courses for adults, Hebrew Schools, and outdoor Jewish education programs. She is thrilled to be joining Or Shalom as the Head of Youth and Family Education, both to steward the community’s vision for the school and to support the students, families, and teachers. Ze is personally interested in the meeting points of justice education and spiritual education, and is excited to explore Judaism alongside young people! 

Sarah Moss is currently a master’s student in International and Multicultural Education at the University of San Francisco School of Education. Ze graduated from Vassar College with a BA in Environmental Studies and a concentration in Education. In her free time, Sarah Moss loves to explore forests and rivers, engage Jewish holidays and rituals, learn about reparations and teshuva, sing with loved ones, and write. According to her former 6th-grade students, Sarah Moss always wears warm sweaters.

Board of Directors

The Board meets monthly to make the decisions that guide our community. The Executive Committee is comprised of the President, Vice President, Immediate Past President, Secretary, and Treasurer. To place an item on the Board's agenda, contact a member of the Executive Committee.

FY: July 1, 2024–June 30, 2025

Staff Attending Board Meetings
Rabbi Faryn Borella

Officers (Executive Committee)

Lisa Garbus

Rachelle Resnick

Debbie Benrubi
Vice President & Tikkun Olam Committee Chair

Noah Butter
Treasurer & Finance Committee Chair

Board Members

Leslie Roffman
Membership/ Belonging & Equity Committee Chair

Stephen Gerard
Facilities Committee Chair

Max Bernstein
Religious School Committee Chair

Joel Rubinstein
Minhag Committee Representative

Stacey Leyton
Personnel Committee Chair

Sue Schechter
Chesed Committee Co-Chair

Tala Hartsough

​​​​​​​Angelique von Halle

Fundraising Committee Chair

Wed, October 23 2024 21 Tishrei 5785